Integrative Wellness
The Meadow draws on ancient wisdom traditions and contemporary, scientifically-researched based modalities that have a profound and lasting effect on Body-Mind-Spirit. We offer personalized sessions and classes to enhance wellness outcomes.
Integrative Wellness to Restore Balance in your World
The Meadow provides integrative wellness sessions for individuals, healthcare providers, groups and corporations. We offer in-person and remote sessions integrating complementary and alternative modalities.
We approach healing and personal growth as one – the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Our work is offered in private settings, and in hospitals, nursing homes, hospice, and academia. Our sessions provide a sacred space for your transformational wellness.
We provide personalized integrative wellness packages that can be mailed ahead of our sessions for optimal transformation. We serve clients within the United States and abroad.
We view Holistic Health as:
An improvement in overall function, both psycho-physically and socio-spiritually, so those parts that are ill, lost, or out of sorts will organically find space to improve naturally and come into balance spontaneously.

“I’ve found heaven at The Meadow! MaryBeth’s gentle words lead us through a magical world where our bodies move and flow, recalling our deep connection to nature and to the universe.”