Find Peace & Wellness
Our classes help you realign and find balance.
Our Classes
Myth, Movement & Metaphor
These sessions are created to delve deeper into oneself through stories. Culling from various cultural and imaginative narratives that resonate with embodied human experience. Simple movement motifs aid in the re-imagining and integration of the Self.
No previous dance experience necessary! To learn more about this class, click here.
$20 for 1.5 hour group class
Reiki Energy Healing & Certification
Reiki is a healing technique that channels energy to restore physical and emotional well-being. Sessions are typically 90 minutes and include complementary aromatherapy if the client desires. Clients lie fully clothed on the table, and I apply a very light or hovering touch to tap into the energetic field called the Universal Energy field, or UEF, a vibrational frequency that exists as the basis of all life on Earth. When one or more of our energy centers (Chakras, Sanskrit for wheels of light) are not vibrating at their most potent frequency for a variety of reasons, clients restore balance through cleansing one’s vibrational frequencies and energy field.
A regular tune-up will aid in continued overall health and well-being.
$150 1 Hour Reiki Session
$500 6-8 hour Reiki Attunement Course, Level 1 (Physical)
$750 6-8 hour Reiki Attunement Course, Level 2 (Mental/Emotional)
$1,000 10 hour Reiki Attunement Course, Level 3 (Master)
Centering: Meditation in Motion & Stillness of Mind
Meditation can help one return to natural functioning of body-mind-spirit. The class and its duration are crafted toward individual need following a short dialogue. I then modify your session to bring a return to a natural and easeful functioning of your body-mind-spirit through guided practice, imaginal journey’s and the integration of breath for an overall sense of wellness through letting go of internal tensions.
$75 1 hour Meditation
Available in person or via Zoom
Sound Healing
A sound healing is a meditative experience where those in attendance are bathed in sound waves. Using gongs and other sound devices, the session can be experienced sitting or lying comfortably in the studio or streamed into your home. Session length is 15 - 20 minutes and includes guided meditation.
Sound Bathing can be added as an à la carte experience following other sessions for a small fee.
$20 add-on, included in meditations
Embodied Practice
Private sessions are created, crafted and practiced based on individual need. Based on a one hour consultation, we unpack sensations that “rise” in the body-mind continuum. These could include narratives real or imagined and focus on shifting tension patterns and gaining more free flow and integration with one's self.
$150, 1.5 hour session
The Moving Word
This 6-week class series explores themes that inspire dialogue, movement and conscious reflection. Examples of book titles we’ve included in past sessions are “Women Who Run with the Wolves” by Clarissa Pinkola Estes and “Pathways to Bliss” by Joseph Campbell.
These once-weekly 1.5 hr. sessions can be done in-person, virtually, or as a hybrid depending on individual needs and location.
$120, 1.5 hour class; 6 class session
Aromatherapy & Botanical Alchemy
The Meadow’s botanical products are responsibly-sourced, organically pure artisanal and handcrafted, made in small batches to provide high quality health benefits that support wellness. I provide specialized focus on your personal issues and will craft individual products best suited to your wellness needs. They can be picked up at the studio door or can be mailed to your home. Highly effective as an alternative to over-the-counter mass produced products with chemical preservatives.
Aroma sessions can also be added à la carte to any session for a small fee. To learn more about aromatherapy, click here.
$50 per session; custom botanical products billed separately (A portion of the session fee is applied to custom products at time of consult.)
Geospatial: Mindful movement for strength and elasticity
Geospatial defined: Geometry as the mathematical equation of lines which create shapes and when applied to movement these shapes come to life.
Unwind and re-invigorate simultaneously with this unique method of exercise which stimulates the core structures and deep musculature while lengthening/elongating the human support system. Posture and upright functioning naturally improve.
This 1 hour guided gentle movement class begins with participant’s lying on the floor progresses to seated then finishes with standing. Through simple, repetitive movement sequences, we can quickly reshape and enhance our current form to find pathways to improve movement potentiality. This class set to atmospheric music will restore, renew, and inspire the body/mind/spirit.
$20, 1 hour Geospatial Session
Chakra Balancing & Meditation
This meditation will move through each of your Chakras starting with the 1st Chakra at base of spine and ending with drawing the integration up through the portal at the Eighth Wheel. Most energy healers stay with the 7 main Chakras of the body ending at the crown but, through many years of practice, I’ve been introduced to discover the 8th which hovers between 1-2 feet over the crown. I experience it as a portal and opening to each persons’ individual auric field when I am connecting to this dimension of embodiment.
$50, 30 minute Chakra Balancing & Meditation
Private Practice
Wellness practice with one-on-one guidance to assist your transformational journey and success.
Please contact us for pricing.
Alexander Technique
The Alexander Technique is a movement education method that assists in the reshaping of current ideas, beliefs and physical habits of an individual and expands the consciousness of the learner thus removing habits of use that have been interfering with balanced functioning. Students will learn, over a series of lessons, how to maintain and continue on their own, a better use.
Chronic conditions are improved and or alleviated removing the need for dependency on pain medication.
Performing artists who wish to improve their craft, or alleviate repetitive injury due to long practice, rehearsal and performing schedules
Individuals who enjoy athletics and wish to improve their level of skill within the game can benefit from a course of lessons.
How long this course is will be determined by the individual and the teacher. Lessons are private and scheduled on an individual basis. Group work is also available.
$140, 1 hour session